Using Baby Signs to Communicate with Preverbal Infants
Children develop hand-eye coordination long before they develop language skills they also understand language before they can use it . These two factors combine to make signs and singnals an ideal option for intercating with babies

Healing Our Children Book
“Big” Babies and Small Hips: Should Mamas Be Concerned?
Fat SQUISHES For this small-framed mama with a healthy appetite, those are perhaps the most comforting words one can hear in childbirth class. You see, during my first pregnancy I wore a sign around my neck that said “Tell me every possible terrifying birth scenario...
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Are Your Child’s Clothes Toxic?
Most likely the clothes you are wearing on you back and the ones you dress your kids in have harmful toxins in them. The effects of these toxins on your children can range from hyperactivity to hormone imbalances. The problem with farming and government standards...
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A Brief Guide to Natural Infant Hygiene
Early in human history, diapers were not a common commodity anywhere. Most babies were worn on their mothers’ body throughout the day in a traditional papoose or other baby carrier. Often, these babies would simply relieve themselves in the pack or papoose that they were...
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Using Baby Signs to Communicate with Preverbal Infants
Children develop hand-eye coordination long before they develop language skills. They also understand language before they can use it. These two factors combine to make signs and signals an ideal option for interacting with babies. Many people are overwhelmed with the idea of trying to...
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Natural Postpartum Care
Breastfeeding Having a child is a beautiful, natural, and empowering experience. Following the birth, especially with the first child, parents sometimes feel confused and unsure. It can be difficult to know the best way to bond and care for your body and baby. Both...
Safe Co-Sleeping Provides Whole-Family Benefits
The use of a family bed, bed sharing, or co-sleeping, encourages bonding, promotes breastfeeding, and safeguards health. Though controversial in some circles today, it was once the only way families slept. In the past, homes commonly featured only one room. Additionally there were few functioning...
The Benefits of Vaginal Birth after Cesarean Delivery
A VBAC can be both safe and healing for families. Despite ever-improving access to medical care, cesarean deliveries carry a far higher risk of morbidity for both mom and baby than vaginal births. Morbidity rates for women attempting vaginal births following cesarean, rather than going...
Children’s Language Problems Linked to Vitamin D Deficiency
A longitudinal study on the association between maternal serum 25 (OH)-vitamin D concentrations during a critical window of fetal neurodevelopment and behavioral, emotional, and language outcomes of offspring recently published in the Official Journal of the American Academy of Pediatrics links low serum vitamin D...
Why Natural Free-Range Meat & Poultry May Harm Your Health
If you’re into a healthy lifestyle, you probably already know that in order for meat and poultry to be labeled as certified organic, the animal feed must actually be certified organic. This means that small farms that don’t feed their animals unnecessary antibiotics or inject...
Is a Low-Fat Vegan Diet a Healthy Choice for Mamas and Babies?
With so much information available to us these days via blogs, magazines, TV, books, ebooks, online news sites, online forums, newsletters, and various “experts” doling out nutritional advice at yoga studios, health foods stores, community gathering centers, bookstores, etc., it can be confusing to sort...
Tax Dollars Pay for War on Health Food: Dairy Farm Shut Down by Feds
The FDA has been working for two years at the War on Health Food to shut down an Amish dairy farmer who was selling fresh raw milk to health-conscious individuals in the Washington, D.C. area. This month a judge banned Daniel Allgyer from selling his...
Re-imagining the Family Plate
We nourish them in the womb; adding, avoiding, watching and waiting. We draw them to the breast and marvel at the continued connection between lives and bodies, need and nutrition. We near that time of first “real” foods and look forward to sharing the table...
Peace of Mind with Co-sleeping
There was absolutely no way I was going to put my newborn baby in a room all by himself – my maternal instinct insisted it was so lonely and wrong to have our baby in a big room all alone. So I set up a...
Getting Good Milk Shouldn’t Be So Hard!
I grew up in Texas and as a child I clearly remember driving with Mom out of town to pick up our milk from a nearby farm. She grew up on a farm where raw milk was a staple, so she was always excited to...
The Fluoride Deception: Pregnancy and Childhood
For many years the public has been told that fluoride is needed to prevent cavities. Many cities and towns across the country fluoridate the water supply. Dentists and doctors across the nation often recommend fluoride, and support the fluoridation of water. This practice is misleading...
The Cause of Disease & Healing Disease
Summary: Disease is not caused exclusively by germs that enter the body from the outer world, nor is it usually caused by genetics as defective DNA inherited from our parents. Disease is caused by our modernized way of living, toxins in the environment and in...
The Germ Theory as the Cause of Disease
Louis Pasteur In the 1860’s a theory became cemented in our minds, that germs cause disease. Hailed as one of the most important discoveries of modern science, we supposedly had found the real cause of disease. Disease arises from microorganisms outside the body. These microorgamisms...
The Cellular Theory of Disease, Cause of Disease
Antoine Bechamp French microbiologist, Antoine Bechamp, Professor of Medical Chemistry and Pharmacy at the University of Montpelier, was a contempory of Mr. Pasteur. Bechamp, along with Claude Bernard had a different idea about germs. They believed that germs where pleo-morphic, that they changed depending on...
Germs Do Evolve
Staphylococcus aureus bacteria magnified about 10,000x Dr. Bechamps theory of disease was later been added upon, researchers such as Royal Rife, discovered that E. Coli bacteria can evolve into salmonella typhi then into, mycobacterium tuberculosum then into yeast forms and eventually into cancer causing agents,...
The Health of Your Cells, Their environment
Healthy Red Blood Cells Unhealthy Red Blood Cells We even find this truth echoed in anatomy books, “if the concentration (of fluid outside the cell) changes, so as to contain too much or too little of these substances(nutrients), the cells will become sick and act...
Yellow Emperors Classic on Medicine
Yellow Emperors Classic of Internal Medicine Question: “I have heard that in ancient times the people lived to be over a hundred years, and yet they remained active and did not become decrepit in their activities. But nowadays people reach only half of that age...
Hippocrates – The Body Can Heal Itself
Hippocrates Hippocrates believed in vis medicatrix naturae – which I translate as “The Force of Nature Heals” He defined disease as suffering, and strain. “Thy food shall be thy medicine, thy medicine shall be thy food.” Disease has to do with the environment. This could...
Western Medicine is the #1 Cause of Death in the U.S.
Carolyn Dean, MD, ND Death By Medicine by, By Gary Null, PhD; Carolyn Dean MD, ND; Martin Feldman, MD; Debora Rasio, MD; and Dorothy Smith, PhD A definitive review of medical peer-reviewed journals and government health statistics shows that American medicine frequently causes more harm...
Pharmecutical Companies Commit Genocide
Matthias Rath, MD “Throughout the 20th century, the pharmaceutical industry was built and organized with the goal of controlling healthcare systems around the world by systematically replacing natural, non-patentable therapies with patentable and therefore profitable synthetic drugs.” “They deliberately defined the human body as...
Toxemia, Toxins in the Body Cause Disease
J.H. Tilden, MD “I resolved either to quit the profession or to find the cause of disease.” Toxemia Explained page 21 Disease happens when the elimination of waste products becomes blocked. Normal cellular metabolism creates waste products. What we call a disease, is actually a...
Food can Be Used to Heal Disease
Henry Bieler, MD “The organic sodium in zucchini, as well as in summer and crook-neck squash, is the most ideal source of refurbishing a sodium-exhausted liver.” “As a practicing physician for over fifty years, I have reached three basic conclusion as to the cause and...
Lack of Proper Nutrition Causes of Degeneration
Weston A. Price, DDS “Life in All Its Fullness, Is Mother Nature Obeyed.” Degenerative Diseases and many so called Infectious Diseases (Tuberculosis, Tooth Decay), are a result of an inadequate diet. Primitive human beings, living on their native diet are relatively free from disease. Why...
Anthropological Evidence of Cause of Disease
It should be a matter of deep alarm that human beings can degenerate physically so rapidly by the use of the dietary products used so generally by modern civilization. ©Price-Pottenger Nutrition Foundation “The rapid degeneration of the Australian Aborigines after the adoption of the government’s...
Fifty Cases of Incurable Cancer, Cured
Max Gerson, MD A Cancer Therapy: Results of Fifty Cases and the Cure of Advanced Cancer by Diet Therapy: A Summary of 30 Years of Clinical Experimentation The therapy consists of high potassium, low sodium diet, with no fats or oils, and minimal animal proteins....
We Can Live Disease Free
Aajonus Vonderplanitz “That caused me to develop Multiple Myeloma (blood and bone cancers). Multiple Myeloma survivors are less than 0.01%..I chose to die rather than be completely crippled for the rest of my short life. At that point I had had 7 ‘incurable’ diseases.” Raw...
Liberation by Changing From Within
“The ego’s task is to choose to take care of the body so as to maintain health.” Lecture 153 “As long as the disease is not cured from within, war or other diseases will exist.” Lecture 29 “Show me, Father, the real reason for my...
Using the Now To Create Healthy Children
Eckhart Tolle Author of the Power of Now And A New Earth The highly popular spiritual growth books, A Power of Now, and a New Earth, by Eckhart Tolle help point us in the direction of this moment. So how can you use the present...
Parenting With Love is the Beauty of Life
Amma “Love is our true essence. Love has no limitations of caste, religion, race or nationality. We are all beads strung together on the same thread of love.” This is a quote from Amma, an incarnation and representation of the divine mother (madre de Dios). She...