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Healing Our Children

    You Deserve a Vibrantly Healthy Child!

    On this website you will find, sacred wisdom for Preconception, A Healthy Pregnancy, A Safe Birth, Instinctual Parenting and Children’s Health.

    A majority of doctors and midwives are unaware of proven knowledge that can dramatically alter in a positive way, the entire life of your child including; their health, vitality, and well being. They don’t know that most birth defects can be prevented, autism and other childhood diseases can be prevented, and that you can raise a disease free, happy, and content baby. They don’t know how to ensure for excellent physical development, superb mental health, and good moral character. Healing Our Children explains in terms that make sense, why children get sick, and how you can free yourself, and your child from disease. You make a difference in the life of your child, even before they are born. The website is provides vital free health information. Healing Our Children is for those parents who want to take the health of their children to the next level, and who are willing to embrace more aware and conscious parenting practices.

    Why Change?
    Why did I write the book?
    Why did I make this website?

    Because nobody suffers more from our modern lifestyle, our diet, our schools, our modern births, than our children. Millions of our children suffer now from preventable diseases like: autism, birth defects, scoliosis, tooth cavities, poor growth, diabetes, arthritis, and other ailments.

    Our children suffer because we as adults have forgotten how to understand them, how to nurture and care for them in all ways. Our children are longing for a hero, a savior, for someone to show them that life is more than just a fleeting glimpse of pleasure. And you are that hero / heroine for your child. At last a resource to support your own wisdom, instincts, and inner knowing.

    In fact – Let us cease fooling ourselves

    It is untrue that we do not know the Cause of Miscarriage, the Cause of Birth Defects,the Cause of SIDS, the Cause of Tooth Decay, the Cause of Autism, and The Cause of Scoliosis, the Cause of Infertility, the Cause of Pre-mature Births, the Cause of Early Infant Deaths, and the causes of other Childhood Diseases and diseases of pregnancy.


    The main causes of these conditions are revealed

    1. Disease is not caused usually by germs, microorganisms, or genetic errors, by rather by a misuse and dishonoring of Nature’s fundamental laws.
    2. We have the power to create healthy children. Our children get sick because their bodies degenerate from our deficient modern nutritional programs. Their bodies are also poisoned by vaccinations and harmful toxins in our environment.
    3. When Mother’s and Father’s follow a special plan during the time prior to conception, follow a special diet during pregnancyand lactation, and feed their children special foods, and care for them in a natural manner, then parent’s will significantly increase the likelihood of a child who:
      • is super intelligent
      • is highly immune to disease
      • has straight teeth
      • is beautiful, compassionate, loving
      • is physically strong

    Preconception Health is Utilizing the Time Prior to Conception for Health

    With preconception health, you can decrease your odds of miscarriage by 714%, decrease your odds of birth defects by 1602%, and it is possible for 78.4% of all infertile couples to become fertile.

    Prior to conception, parents need to take at least 3 months, and ideally 6-24+ months before conception to cleanse their body of toxins, and to eat special foods, which include grassfed liver (and/or fermented cod liver oil), yellow butter, and/or fish eggs.

    Healthy Pregnancy

    The health of your child to be, is a direct reflection of how you take care of yourself through nutrition during pregnancy.

    In the Primary Cause of Disease, you see how our environment significantly affects our health. In Dr. Price’s anthropological studies, you can see how our modern diet and makes us weak.

    A Diet for Pregnancy and Lactation – Utilize Indigenous Nutrition for a healthy pregnancy and healthy lactation.

    A Healthy Pregnancy Overview

    1. Eliminate the News from your life, both Television and Newspapers, they are sources of misinformation.
    2. Use organic and natural soaps and skin products, drink and bathe in only filtered water, unnatural beauty products cause chemicals to absorb into your skin
    3. Eat A diet high in Saturated Fat from Free Range Animals, and Wild Sea Foods, fat promotes healing of the body, and internal cleansing (These suggestions are described in a little more detail on the pregnancy diet page.)
    4. Eat organs of wild fish or free ranging animals- liver, heart, bone marrow, fish eggs
    5. Drink lots of Raw grassfed milk, eat raw grassfed unsalted butter, and raw grassfed cream, these are some of the most nourishing foods on the planet.
    6. AVOID – Processed Sugar, All Flour products (except fresh ground and fermented), Vegetable Oils (soy, corn, safflower, canola or cottonseed), Tofu, Soymilk, Pasteurized Milk, Non-organic fruits, vegetables and meats, Low fat foods, Other Processed Foods, these foods build up toxins in your bodies, Avoid Fluoride and fluoridated water, Fluoride is a poison.Modern foods cause physical degeneration and promote illness during pregnancy and during our child’s life.

    A Safe Birth

    Learn why some women have effortless births, while other women suffer in agony, and need emergency medical procedures to save their life? You will learn effective keys to significantly increase your likelihood of a safe and natural birth.

    Your Child’s Health

    Your Child’s Health is Not Genetic
    Your child’s health is a a result of intercepted heredity. Nutritional stores and stored toxins are passed along from mother, and father, to child. Creating either health, or disease depending on those two factors. Childhood disease is caused by improper nutrition.

    Vaccines Do Not Work, and they Do Not Prevent Disease, Vaccines Cause Disease.
    The greatest lie ever told is that vaccine s are safe and effective.

    Circumcision – violence, sexual abuse, and male infant genital mutilation, do not do it.

    Your Child’s Real Needs
    Love, Attention, Respect, Breast Milk, and Holding. Learn about the tragic child raising practices of the west, and the enlightening practices of Indigenous people.


    Hold your child for the first 0-6 months and never abandon them. In many Indigenous cultures, the mother’s never abandon their children. That means you can be in another room, or outside, but not inaccessible when your child needs you.


    Breast milk is your child’s best food, so nursing on cue is vital to your child’s health, even at night. Breastfeed for 4-7 years. Continuing to nourish children with breastmilk means that the Mother can never be too far away.

    A Continuum of Care

    After the initial bonding stages, your child stays in his second womb for several years as he develops a sense of himself. In this period, of 0-6 years, he needs to be held frequently and on cue, breastfed on cue, and have his needs for union, love, contact, honored. In our modern culture, we usually discard our child’s bonding needs by putting them in nursery’s that cannot nurture, and day care’s that cannot care. This is because most of this caring needs to be done by the child’s mother, or close family member with the mother accessible. You cannot fathom the intensity of the pain your child faces, if you abandon him or her for even 3 minutes.

    Learn Proper Nutrition for Nourishing your Children
    Since you now know childhood disease can be caused by improper nutrition, we can prevent it through proper nutrition.

    Wisdom Is Within All of Us!

    Trust the voice within, listen to your heart, it knows what is right.


    My family and I are planning to start an intentional community sometime in the near future. Contact Us.