Dr. Henry Bieler wrote of one of his patients who had had seven miscarriages, each of which had occurred when she was seven months pregnant. The patient had pale skin, swollen legs, and frequent and intense headaches. He noticed that her hands showed a thick, red, scaly eczema.

(image via jooleeah_stahkey on Flickr)

He realized that the eczema with associated with sugar poisoning, and thus the reason for her miscarriages was explained. Dr. Bieler put her on a sugar-free diet and she soon delivered a full term baby boy!

Sources about Preventing Miscarriage

Bieler, H. Dr. Bieler’s Natural Way to Sexual Health. New York, Bantam Books: 1972: 25-26.

Bieler, H. Dr. Bieler’s Natural Way to Sexual Health. New York, Bantam Books: 1972: 25-26.