The question has crossed my mind, as perhaps it has yours: how did native groups that Weston Price studied know what special foods to eat for health, for pre-conception and for pregnancy? I want to provide a little detail from Weston Price. (Note: this type of information is in my book, Healing Our Children, page 80.)

What was the source of their wisdom? Dr. Price explains:

“In the studies of Indians of the far north of Canada, I asked an old Indian how they obtained their wonderful wisdom regarding foods and the art of living. He told me that a Great Power taught the Indians to watch the animals to see what they ate.

I found the native tribes in Africa using the same principle. When I inquired why they ate the organs of animals, particularly the liver, they reported that when a lion, the strongest of the beasts for its size, kills a zebra or another animal, it starts by eating at the flank and goes directly to the liver as the first of the organs to be eaten.”

In Chapter 2 of Healing Our Children, I describe how Weston Price found the people of the Loetschental Valley

“[Reverend Siegen] told me that they recognize the presence of Divinity in the life-giving qualities of the butter made in June when the cows have arrived for pasturage near the glaciers. He gathers the people together to thank the kind Father for the evidence of his Being in the life-giving qualities of butter and cheese made when the cows eat the grass near the snow line. This worshipful program includes the lighting of a wick in a bowl of the first butter made after the cows have reached the luscious summer pasturage. This wick is permitted to burn in a special sanctuary built for the purpose.”

Wise Food is Divine Food

The people of the Loetschental Valley also recognized the same Great Power that taught the Indians of Canada the art of living. The grassfed summer and spring butter, rich in activator X is a butter that gives life. It is a butter that will contribute towards healthy children and safe births. What could be more holy, sacred or divine than a food capable of giving health and life?

Industrial Foods are Nearly Lifeless

The special foods eaten by indigenous groups are more than other substances or foods imbued with a quality of the Creator of life: vibrant, live foods and foods that other animals value. Foods most lacking the quality of the creator are the foods of industry. The machines that create industrial foods are mostly devoid of life. Industrial foods are not created with the love of the Creator in mind. They are created for profiteering. As a result, they are not strongly imbued with the presence of Divinity (absorbable minerals and fat-soluble vitamins) that produces a healthy body and a sound mind. Industrial foods are devoid of nutrients (life) and as a result, they produce disease. Our children long to be nourished with wholesome foods. But so long as lifeless industrial foods exist, our children’s bodies will suffer from disease and poor health.

The Source of Wisdom For Healthy Food

By observing animals in nature, or by listening to a powerful force that is greater than the individual, native peoples knew what foods to eat. The message to you here, is not to listen to industry, which is based on lifelessness. But to listen to wisdom that is both within you, in nature, in the Creator, and in indigenous people’s so that you know what is healthy to eat. And perhaps, foods that are most imbued with life force and vitality, are foods most imbued with the essence of the Creator.  Industrial foods that are least imbued with the essence of the Creator and because of that, those foods eventually lead to disease, premature death, and sense of meaninglessness.


Image: Temps, Dietmar. “Ethiopian Tribes, Karo.” Flickr. Yahoo!, 26 Jan. 2012. Web. 29 Feb. 2012.
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Price, W. A. “Field Studies Among African Tribes.” Journal of the American Dental Association, 1936:888.
Price, W. A. “Nutrition and Physical Degeneration.” Price-Pottenger Nutritional Foundation