Ramiel Nagel
Ramiel Nagel
Ramiel Nagel is the author of Healing Our Children and Cure Tooth Decay and is dedicated to supporting natural health for your family.

Ramiel  Nagel


Food can Be Used to Heal Disease

Henry Bieler, MD “The organic sodium in zucchini, as well as in summer and crook-neck squash, is the most ideal source of refurbishing a sodium-exhausted liver.” “As a practicing physician for over fifty years, I have reached three basic conclusion as to the cause and cure of disease..” 1. “[D]isease is caused by a toxemia..” ... Continue Reading


Lack of Proper Nutrition Causes of Degeneration

Weston A. Price, DDS “Life in All Its Fullness, Is Mother Nature Obeyed.” Degenerative Diseases and many so called Infectious Diseases (Tuberculosis, Tooth Decay), are a result of an inadequate diet. Primitive human beings, living on their native diet are relatively free from disease. Why does our modern civilization have so many diseases, especially tooth ... Continue Reading


Anthropological Evidence of Cause of Disease

It should be a matter of deep alarm that human beings can degenerate physically so rapidly by the use of the dietary products used so generally by modern civilization. ©Price-Pottenger Nutrition Foundation “The rapid degeneration of the Australian Aborigines after the adoption of the government’s modern foods provides a demonstration that should be infinitely more ... Continue Reading


Fifty Cases of Incurable Cancer, Cured

Max Gerson, MD A Cancer Therapy: Results of Fifty Cases and the Cure of Advanced Cancer by Diet Therapy: A Summary of 30 Years of Clinical Experimentation The therapy consists of high potassium, low sodium diet, with no fats or oils, and minimal animal proteins. Juices of raw fruits and vegetables and of raw liver ... Continue Reading


We Can Live Disease Free


Aajonus Vonderplanitz “That caused me to develop Multiple Myeloma (blood and bone cancers). Multiple Myeloma survivors are less than 0.01%..I chose to die rather than be completely crippled for the rest of my short life. At that point I had had 7 ‘incurable’ diseases.” Raw foods healed Aajonus of these diseases. When 2.5 years later ... Continue Reading


Liberation by Changing From Within


“The ego’s task is to choose to take care of the body so as to maintain health.” Lecture 153 “As long as the disease is not cured from within, war or other diseases will exist.” Lecture 29 “Show me, Father, the real reason for my difficulties, so that I can solve them.” Lecture 17 The ... Continue Reading

Author of the Power of Now And A New Earth

Using the Now To Create Healthy Children


Eckhart Tolle Author of the Power of Now And A New Earth The highly popular spiritual growth books, A Power of Now, and a New Earth, by Eckhart Tolle help point us in the direction of this moment. So how can you use the present moment to create health for your children? In Eckart’s books, ... Continue Reading


Parenting With Love is the Beauty of Life


Amma “Love is our true essence. Love has no limitations of caste, religion, race or nationality. We are all beads strung together on the same thread of love.” This is a quote from Amma, an incarnation and representation of the divine mother (madre de Dios). She continues… “I saw children of some families lying around, tired and ... Continue Reading

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