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Pregnancy diets that will promote disease

Modern Pregnancy Diets Promote Disease

(image via The Snow Thief on Flickr)

It is not at all difficult to make people sick. When the body is deprived of essential nutrients for a prolonged period of time, and if the body is instead given foods and drinks that wreak havoc on the internal ecosystem, disease is the natural result. Let’s take a careful look at these disease-causing diets.

Unhealthy Pregnancy Diet of the people of the Swiss Alps



Fat-Soluble Vitamins



1000 White Bread Low 0.11 0.35
400 Jam, Honey, Sugar, Syrup Low 0.05 0.08
100 Chocolate and Coffee Low 0.02 0.07
100 Milk High 0.17 0.13
100 Canned Vegetables Low 0.08 0.08
100 Meat Medium 0.01 0.11
100 Vegetable Fat Low 0.00 0.00
100 Butter (dairy) High 0.00 0.00
  Low 0.44 0.82


Unhealthy Pregnancy Diet of the people of the Outer Hebrides



Fat-Soluble Vitamins



1000 White Bread Low 0.11 0.35
400 Jam, Sugar, Syrup Low 0.05 0.08
100 Chocolate and Coffee Low 0.01 0.07
300 Fish Without Livers High 0.57 0.60
100 Canned Vegetables Low 0.06 0.08
100 Eggs Medium 0.04 0.12
  Low 0.84 1.30


Unhealthy Pregnancy Diet of Canadian Indians and Eskimos



Fat-Soluble Vitamins



1200 Bannock Bread (white flour) Low 0.13 0.42
1200 Jam, Sugar, Syrup Low 0.05 0.08
100 Chocolate and Coffee Low 0.02 0.07
300 Meat Medium 0.03 0.33
100 Vegetables Low 0.06 0.08
100 Vegetable Fats Low 0.00 0.00
  Low 0.39 1.14


Dr. Price explains the effects of the modern Eskimo diet:

Since their muscle meat, glands and other organs of animals of the land for the Indians and of the sea for the Eskimos, would be reduced approximately to one-tenth, this would decrease the total fat-soluble activators per day to a quantity below the minimum bodily requirements of even an adult. This will make it impossible for them to utilize properly even the small amount of minerals that are present in the foods ingested besides being insufficient to maintain the functioning of various organs and tissues of the body. It is at this point that their greatest injury occurs. Even if they could utilize all the minerals that are available the intake for those on modern foods is reduced to less than one fifth of that in the original diets for several of the minerals. (Emphasis added.)

Dr. Price continues and poignantly states:

This means tragedy especially for growing child life and motherhood because of their greater demands. (Emphasis added.)

This sentence really summarizes an essential lesson about eating a healthy diet during pregnancy. Our modern diet creates a tragedy for children and mothers because it falls short of the nutritional requirements for new life and healthy growth. As a result, disease and the tendency for disease are prevalent. At the worst end of this spectrum, poor facial development, poor bone growth, distorted body proportions, miscarriages, birth defects and early infant deaths frequently result.

Sources for Diseased Pregnancy Diets

Price, “Why Dental Caries With Modern Civilizations? V. An Interpretation of Field Studies Previously Reported,” 278.


Price, “Why Dental Caries With Modern Civilizations? XI. New Light on Loss of Immunity to Some Degenerative Processes Including Dental Caries,” 243.

Ibid., 244


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