Removing the Mystery of Pregnancy and Childhood Diseases
It is now a known fact that our modern diet lacks nutrients, and we are discovering tha many diseases in pregnancy and also in new born children (such as birth defects) are the result of women not having enough nutrients during pregnancy… and even prior to conception.
Bluntly said: our society is in the midst of a collapse because of the failing health of so many people. In fact, our modern diet is very similar to the unhealthy diet which led thousands, if not millions, of native people across the earth to an early death. The prevalence of serious diseases is on the rise, and these diseases are rapidly moving to a large portion of the population. The majority of pregnancies today do not include a healthy diet, because most women eat a diet which is lacking the minimum requirements for health.
Our Modern Day Nutritional Health Crisis
It is time to stop being fooled by big-businesses and their smart marketing. Many women are experiencing infertilily, most likely as a result of nutrient deficiencies within their body. These deficiencies can cause so many premature births, miscarriages, birth defects, and infant deaths! Hopefully the information on this website has been blatantly clear, and you can see the seriousness of your food choices. This story accounts, with statistical analysis and anthropological evidence, that nutritional deficiencies account for the main cause of disease in the United States. Our bodies are gasping for nutrition; we are starving ourselves by eating processed foods that are deficient of nutrients, resulting in bodies which are not fertile enough to support good health in our children. The result of these nutritional deficiencies is that our children may be born experiencing life of suffering and physical disease. When a parent is experiencing a physical breakdown as a result of a lack of key nutrients and vitamins, this breakdown is passed from the parents to the child. Processed foods and an inproper diet have interrupted Nature’s course.
I invite you to continue reading the resources and information that are available on this website. It will help you to closely examine our modern diet, so that you can clearly understand which foods you should and should not be eating for a healthy pregnancy, and to support your child in growing to be healthy and happy.
Photo Credit: tetrapak from