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Amazing Grace, Healing our Children

The life your child was meant to live is not supposed to be filled with suffering. Many causes of children’s suffering can be substantially reduced.

  1. Ideally a preconception health program is followed by both the father and mother, prior to conception.
  2. Then during pregnancy, and lactation, special care is taken with the diet of the mother.
  3. You give your child luscious nurturing with constant and consistent and love from his mother.
  4. You feed your child special foods during their growing years, avoid the foods of modernization, and avoid toxic environmental hazards like vaccines.
  5. You send your child to an alternative school so they are not brainwashed into a world that believes in suffering, fear and violence. But rather a school or community that supports, pleasure, self expression, creativity, love, and the divine masculine and feminine aspects which are apart of humanity.