Using Baby Signs to Communicate with Preverbal Infants
Children develop hand-eye coordination long before they develop language skills they also understand language before they can use it . These two factors combine to make signs and singnals an ideal option for intercating with babies

Eating well just before birth
A Healthy Diet Just Before and Just After Giving Birth (image via tomhe on Flickr) Most women realize that a healthy diet is essential during pregnancy, but not everyone knows...
Eating well just before birth
A Healthy Diet Just Before and Just After Giving Birth (image via tomhe on Flickr) Most women realize that a healthy diet is essential during pregnancy, but not everyone knows...

Infant and childrens nutrition
In the first few months of life, breastmilk is the best option for a baby’s nutrition, and infants should start eating nourishing foods in addition the breastfeeding when they are about 6 months...
Infant and childrens nutrition
In the first few months of life, breastmilk is the best option for a baby’s nutrition, and infants should start eating nourishing foods in addition the breastfeeding when they are about 6 months...

How fermented foods increase pregnancy health
Why it is Necessary to Include Fermented Foods in Your Pregnancy Diet Even though fermented foods aren’t as common in our modern diet, foods like kefir and yogurt were quite...
How fermented foods increase pregnancy health
Why it is Necessary to Include Fermented Foods in Your Pregnancy Diet Even though fermented foods aren’t as common in our modern diet, foods like kefir and yogurt were quite...
The accepted definition of a vaccine adverse ev...
Vaccine Adverse Affects: How Long Does it Take for Negative Side Effects to Occur? There are many groups and entities who claim that there are minimal side effects to vaccines,...
The accepted definition of a vaccine adverse ev...
Vaccine Adverse Affects: How Long Does it Take for Negative Side Effects to Occur? There are many groups and entities who claim that there are minimal side effects to vaccines,...
There is no evidence vaccines work
A Lack of Evidence That Vaccines Actually Work The Stated Purpose of Web Page About Lack of Evidence in Vaccines: To help you understand the harm caused by vaccines, so that...
There is no evidence vaccines work
A Lack of Evidence That Vaccines Actually Work The Stated Purpose of Web Page About Lack of Evidence in Vaccines: To help you understand the harm caused by vaccines, so that...
Disease is the result of toxins being extricate...
If Disease Occurrs Because of Toxins in the Body, Then Do Vaccines Cause Disease? On other pages of this website, we have learned that western medical doctors who are looking for the real...
Disease is the result of toxins being extricate...
If Disease Occurrs Because of Toxins in the Body, Then Do Vaccines Cause Disease? On other pages of this website, we have learned that western medical doctors who are looking for the real...

What we call a virus is really a poison
What We Know as a Virus is Actually a Poison On this website, I have made a claim vaccinations aren’t effective, because viruses are not real. I’m not suggesting that...
What we call a virus is really a poison
What We Know as a Virus is Actually a Poison On this website, I have made a claim vaccinations aren’t effective, because viruses are not real. I’m not suggesting that...
Famous western physicians believe disease is a ...
Diseases Are the Body’s Response to Poison, Not the Result of Viruses (image via Sanofi Pasteur on Flickr) On the previous page, we found out that what we think of as a virus...
Famous western physicians believe disease is a ...
Diseases Are the Body’s Response to Poison, Not the Result of Viruses (image via Sanofi Pasteur on Flickr) On the previous page, we found out that what we think of as a virus...

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