Attachment Parenting


Every Mother wants to stay connected with her New Born Infants, Attachment parenting is very important to create a bond between mother and child.

Benefits of natural infant hygiene.

A Brief Guide to Natural Infant Hygiene

Early in human history, diapers were not a common commodity anywhere. Most babies were worn on their mothers’ body throughout the day in a traditional papoose or other baby carrier. Often, these babies would simply relieve themselves in the pack or papoose that they were swaddled within. In warmer climates, many babies were naked or ... Continue Reading

Girls Signing

Using Baby Signs to Communicate with Preverbal Infants

Children develop hand-eye coordination long before they develop language skills. They also understand language before they can use it. These two factors combine to make signs and signals an ideal option for interacting with babies. Many people are overwhelmed with the idea of trying to teach their tiny baby sign language. However, baby sign language ... Continue Reading

Immediate Breastfeeding

Natural Postpartum Care

Having a child is a beautiful, natural, and empowering experience. Following the birth, especially with the first child, parents sometimes feel confused and unsure. It can be difficult to know the best way to bond and care for your body and baby. Both mother and father may feel awkward and require some adjustment time before ... Continue Reading

Cosleeping can be safe

Safe Co-Sleeping Provides Whole-Family Benefits

The use of a family bed, bed sharing, or co-sleeping, encourages bonding, promotes breastfeeding, and safeguards health. Though controversial in some circles today, it was once the only way families slept. In the past, homes commonly featured only one room. Additionally there were few functioning door locks and dangerous conditions existed all around, making the ... Continue Reading

Co-sleeping with my baby

Peace of Mind with Co-sleeping


There was absolutely no way I was going to put my newborn baby in a room all by himself – my maternal instinct insisted it was so lonely and wrong to have our baby in a big room all alone. So I set up a bassinet next to our bed to keep him close enough ... Continue Reading

Mother Child

Connecting To Our Children


Why to Connect             As time goes on, it becomes more and more apparent that our society is going down the drain. Unfortunately, rather than looking at the root cause of this problem, people often see society as the cause: politicians, the judicial system, or economists. The major problems that are going on, however, are ... Continue Reading

Baby in Bed

Find Peace of Mind with Co-sleeping


There was absolutely no way I was going to put my newborn baby in a room all by himself; my maternal instinct insisted it was so lonely and wrong to have our baby in a big room all alone. So I set up a bassinet next to our bed to keep him close enough for ... Continue Reading


Self Acceptance and Being a Mother 8-26-2009


For generations, so many of us have been relying on our children to accept us for who we are. We want our children to accept all of our mistakes and flaws. Yet this expectation of our children turns them into the “parent” or care giver. Is it fair for us to have this expectation of ... Continue Reading


Motherhood and Support on being your Divine Mother self


These posts are written by Michelle. Michelle’s wisdom is featured in the book, “Healing Our Children.” Being a mother is a unique opportunity to shine as your real self. Michelle’s comments will help you connect deeper with yourself and your children, or child to be. On Being a Mother 7-15-09 When I am with my ... Continue Reading


Nature is In Our Heart, Motherhood and Nature 8-18-09


We go to the beach sometimes, or we go to the woods on the weekend. We consider our time to be in nature, or, not in nature. What we need to know is Nature is with us all of the time! Even if we are in an office or cubicle, consider this: The chair, the ... Continue Reading

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